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Frequently Asked Questions

Solar Panels

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels work by absorbing sunlight, generating direct current (DC) energy, and then converting it to usable alternating current (AC) energy. The AC energy runs from an inverter to the home’s electrical panel (breaker box) and is distributed accordingly. Electricity flows throughout the home, powering energy-dependent items like the HVAC system, water heater, appliances, etc. Any excess electricity produced by solar panels can be sent to your utility company for credit.

Solr Finnancing
Lifespan of a solar system

Are there any solar incentives for homeowners?

Yes, there are both state and federal incentives to take advantage of! Floridians do not have to pay sales or property taxes for residential solar panels. With Florida’s Solar and CHP sales tax exemption, you can save 6% of what you would otherwise owe in taxes.

Though the solar system will increase your property value, the Property Tax Abatement for Renewable Energy means that you will not pay additional property tax for your installation. You will also save up to 30% with the Federal Solar Investment Tax credit.

Installation Process

Is solar financing available?

Yes, we have financial partnerships with Mosaic, Goodleap, and  Climate First. We will work with you to find the best lendor based on your situation. 


How long do solar panels last?

Most panels generally last 25-30 years which matches the industry standard manufacturer warranty. They will, however, continue to produce after this, but at an efficiency of around 80-90%. 

Panel Stops Working

What does the solar panel installation process look like?

Most systems will take just a day to install, we will just need access to your main panel and attic. The size of your solar system will depend on your monthly energy use, as well as site factors like shade, sun hours, panel facing, etc. 

Most solar systems will save you between 50-110% of your electric bill. We recommend a full 100-110% offset of your energy usage to get the most savings out of your system. This way, you will never see an electric bill from your utility company again. 


How much can I save on my electric bill with a solar system?

Net metering

What happens if a panel stops working?

You will have an app on your phone that will track the production of all the panels on your roof and will notify you if a panel goes down. Considering all of the panels we use have a minimum 25-year warranty, the manufacturer will pay for the new panel, and the labor required to replace it is covered by PHP Solar. Additionally, solar panels work individually from one another so if one goes down the rest of the system will still be producing. 

What is net metering?

Net Metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. This is what allows you to not only receive but also send power to the grid. Any extra power sent to the grid is credited back to you on your bill at a 1:1 ratio (Until the end of the year).  In 2024, the ratio will change to 1:.75. 

Currently, Tampa Electric Company (TECO), Duke Energy, and Florida Power & Light (FPL) all offer utility net metering programs in Florida, among others.  

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